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Copyright © 2010 Helena Hentz
Hypnobirthing in Perth
Doula care in Perth
Infant baby massage in Perth
"Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth." -Virginia diOrio-
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is HypnoBirthing®?
HypnoBirthing is a childbirth method that focuses on preparing parents for gentle birth. In HypnoBirthing classes, you will learn proven techniques in a well-thought-out program of deep relaxation, visualization, and self-hypnosis. All of these are designed to help you achieve a more comfortable birth. HypnoBirthing encourages a calm, peaceful, and natural pregnancy, birth, and bonding experience for families
How does HypnoBirthing differ from other child birthing preparation methods?
While conventional childbirth classes work from the premise that pain is a significant and unavoidable aspect of birth, HypnoBirthing® recognizes the medically-documented Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome. When women understand that pain is caused by constrictor hormones, created by fear, they learn, instead, to release fear thus creating endorphins—the feel good hormones. They are then able to change their expectations of long, painful labour and are able to replace them with expectations of a more comfortable birthing. Rather than exhausting, shallow breathing and the distraction techniques of typical “prepared childbirth” programs, HypnoBirthing parents learn deep abdominal breathing and total relaxation, enabling the labouring mother to work in harmony with her body and her baby. This allows her to achieve a shorter and more comfortable labour for herself and baby.
HypnoBirthing® lends itself easily to customization and offers great benefit in all birthing situations: those that unfold easily and naturally, those that include optional interventions, and those that merit and require medical intervention for the best possible outcome. -
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that each of experiences many times a day, such as when we're reading, daydreaming, engrossed in a movie, performing a repetitive task, and sometimes while driving. When in a hypnotic state we are very relaxed, aware and fully in control. The two major differences between the hypnotic state and our regular waking state of mind are:
a) In hypnosis, we are far more relaxed and open to suggestion.
b) In hypnosis, though we are still aware of our surroundings, our focus becomes more concentrated, allowing us to attend more fully to our inner mind, enabling us to better use our imagination and perceptions to understand and alter our beliefs, experiences, thoughts and behaviours, including bodily processes that are normally under the jurisdiction of the subconscious mind. -
Is hypnosis safe?
The short answer is a resounding YES! A handful of medical conditions are contraindicated for hypnosis but, as stated above, hypnosis is a naturally-occurring state.
Common concerns include:
Being controlled by the hypnotist...
While in the hypnotic state, a person is fully in control of him or herself. A person will behave only in accordance with his or her morals and can choose to accept or reject imagery and suggestions given.
Getting "stuck" in hypnosis...
This simply cannot happen. In addition to having another person guide them out of the hypnotic state, a person can always choose to bring themselves out of the state at any time, such as when they respond appropriately to an emergency.
Being "unhypnotizable"...
Virtually everyone experiences hypnosis on a regular basis. While some people will experience the hypnotic state more easily or more deeply than others, hypnosis is a skill that can be developed through practice (which is why it's so important for moms to practice, practice, practice).
How does hypnosis apply to birthing?
Hypnosis is useful in many ways:
1. Hypnosis enables us to deprogram ourselves of the negative beliefs surrounding birth, and replace those detrimental myths with confidence in a woman's ability to birth easily, safely and comfortably. This is key to interrupting the fear-tension-pain cycle.
2. Regular relaxation and hypnotic practice enables mom (and dad) to be more calm and centred, leading to better decision-making, healthier child development and, again, an interruption of the fear-tension-pain cycle. Without her reserves being drained in order to cope with high levels of anxiety and pain, mom is free to enjoy her birthing and baby.
3. Hypnosis can be used to affect the body and allow it to function optimally. Just as athletes use mental rehearsal and hypnosis to improve their performance, moms can use these same techniques to prepare their body for a great birth
Will I be unconscious or remember my birth experience?
Despite misconceptions and misinformation, you are definitely not unconscious during self-hypnosis. The HypnoBirthing mother is deeply relaxed, but she is also an active participant in the labour process. Though she is deeply relaxed, she is totally aware and may return to a conversant state or choose to become mobile whenever she desires. HypnoBirthing mothers often find that they experience time distortion and are not distracted by other people or their birthing environment, while they focus on their birthing and their baby.
- Will HypnoBirthing be useful to me if I don’t opt for a natural childbirth or if circumstances necessitate medical intervention or a surgical birth?
Absolutely. The things you will learn in your HypnoBirthing classes will help you to learn relaxation skills that will be useful to both you and your baby, regardless of your birth experience. In the event that medical intervention of any sort is needed, you will find yourself better able to remain calm and in control. Mothers who have needed scheduled cesareans for medical reasons report that they were totally relaxed before, during and after the procedure. Many report that they needed little or no medication following the birth, and they were able to return to normal functioning in a very short period of time.
Will I have a pain-free birthing with HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing does not promise painless birthing, though many HypnoBirthing mothers do report having a relatively pain-free birth or one that they were able to manage easily. When the cause of pain and fear that constricts the birthing muscles is eliminated, birthing can be accomplished in a shorter period and much more comfortably. A relaxed mother’s body will produce more endorphins, nature’s own relaxants. HypnoBirthing mothers may still experience sensations of tightening or pressure; but most describe their birth experience as working with their body through the sensations.
What if my doctor/midwife is not familiar with HypnoBirthing? Can I still use this method and how can my healthcare providers help me to achieve my HypnoBirthing goals?
More and more care providers are becoming aware of the benefits of HypnoBirthing. If your care giver is not knowledgeable about HypnoBirthing, take the opportunity early in your pregnancy to discuss the techniques you will be using and the type of calm birthing environment that you desire. In class, you will learn how to create a plan of Birth Preferences, which will help you to communicate your birthing goals and preferences to your doctor or midwife.
- Is there scientific evidence that supports the use of HypnoBirthing®?
Yes! In addition to an abundance of evidence supporting the use of hypnosis for birthing, a specific study compared 1059 births of HypnoBirthing® women to the 2006 US national averages. It was found that HypnoBirthing® moms experienced fewer medical interventions, including fewer Caesarean births, less pain medication, and fewer incidences of artificial induction of labour and artificial augmentation of labour. HypnoBirthing® mothers also had fewer incidences of preterm labour and low birth weight babies.
Baby massage
What is an infant massage?
An ancient practice used in many cultures, passed down from generation to generation, which has become more popular now in western culture. The strokes are based on Indian and Swedish massage with principles incorporated from yoga and reflexology.
What is the ideal age of the baby for the massage classes?
From birth to crawling. But it’s never too late to start!
Why sign up for five week classes and not just a read a book?
Being shown the routine by an instructor makes it easier to learn. The classes provide; time to learn, practice and review the strokes; social interaction for the parents; a chance to discuss concerns in a safe environment. The massage is a lifelong skill that can be adapted as baby grows.
What should my baby wear?
Your baby can wear anything. A simple baby grow may be easier for you to take on and off.
My baby may need to feed /sleep during the class, what will I do?
Firstly please don’t worry if your baby needs to feed or sleep during the class. That is the reality of working with babies. Some people find that even if they rearrange feeds or nap times the baby will still need them at their usual time, so I recommend just coming along and seeing how much massage your baby will let you do. I will ensure you learn the strokes later or at the next class if you missed them.
Can I heat a bottle at the class?
- What if I need to cancel my place on the course?
You can cancel your place before the start of the course and get a full refund if you have already paid. Please give as much notice as possible so that your place can be reallocated. Once the course has started we cannot give you a refund other than in exceptional circumstances but you’ll be able to transfer to a future course to catch up on the missing sessions.
I have twins, how can I do baby massage on two babies?
Twins are really welcome to the class. I feel it is best if you can bring someone with you such as your partner, parent or friend to massage one of the babies. As a Baby Massage Instructor I am not allowed massage other people’s babies. Twins are just charged as one baby, not two.
I’m feeling very low and not sure if I want to stay for coffee with lots of happy mothers.
Lots of mothers feel less than fantastic after they have a baby. The adjustment is huge whether it’s your first baby or your fifth. If you are feeling down you may be surprised that talking to other mothers is actually a support. The environment is non-competitive and nobody is there to win a perfect mother award! Also being handed a cup of real coffee and a fresh scone may be something you can enjoy.
- Can dads do the classes?
Of course! The price includes two adults, (mum/dad/grandparent/carer). This is a fantastic opportunity for dads to feel more involved and to enhance the bonding process with their new baby. Attending the classes builds their confidence at handling such a tiny person and to really feel included in the early months when the focus tends to be more on mother and baby.
How long does it take to do the massage routine?
As long as your baby will allow you. You will learn to read your baby’s cues and know when they want you to stop.
Can I use the massage technique also for my toddler?
Yes, you will be taught how to adapt massage as your baby grows.
What about if my baby has just had immunizations?
It is not recommended that babies are massaged within 72 hours of immunizations however if this coincides with the class dates if is still helpful to come along and watch as everything is repeated and built on each week so you will not miss anything.
I have never heard of a doula before. Why is that?
Women being with laboring women have been around for probably about as long as women have been having babies. However, since births began taking place in hospitals about eighty years ago, these birth assistants have been kept out of the delivery room due to hospital protocols and regulations. Women accepted this change since birth in the hospital was perceived as safer back then. So much so that they were willing to forgo the deemed unnecessary support companions (including Fathers). Times have changed since this practice was first initiated. Fathers have long since been allowed in the delivery room. Now the female labor companions are making a strong comeback. In the last 20 years or so, there has been a shift in attitudes from women requesting more support in labor and this response came in the form of Doulas. People began using the word "Doula” to describe this role since the 90's. Today we are enjoying a thriving professional occupation as we are in great demand.
Other names for Doulas are:
- Birth Companion
- Birth Sister
- Birth Assistant
- Grandma, Mom, Sister, Best Friend...and any other female companion that offers meaningful support to another
woman in labor -
I don't think I need a Doula. What can you really do for me?
I think the most important aspect of having a doula is the preparation you’re able to do with me before you ever have your first surge. The prenatal meetings are designed to give you as much information as possible so you can make informed decisions about your options in preparing for and birthing your baby. During this time, we establish a level of trust with each other and a sense of safety and reliability. This is done so that when you call for me during labor, I can relieve your tension and bring a sense of calm to the environment you chose for your birth. You will feel safe, you will feel private and undisturbed, so your body can do what its designed to do – to birth your baby.
Further, unlike hospital staff, I will stay by your side from the moment I arrive, as well as 1-2 hours after you birth your baby. Labor and Delivery Nurses do not provide continuous support nor will they offer drug-free pain management techniques to help you cope with labor. With a doula, you and your partner can feel safe and informed about all your rights and options in the hospital. Among the stressful factors parents often deal with at the hospital are nurses changing shifts and your doctor not being on call. It’s a lot of uncertainty during a vulnerable state. However, you can feel confident , knowing I will be there for you throughout the length of your labor. I am there just for you and your partner helping to achieve the best birth experience – your Dreambirth that you desire.
What kind of training do you have?
I have chosen to certify through Childbirth International (www.childbirthinternational.com) one of the world's largest doula organization. CBI’s birth doula training involves required reading; education in childbirth, labor support techniques and breastfeeding. Certification requirements include practical experience attending births and receiving positive evaluations from doctors, nurses and clients. I was also fortunate to attend a three-day Doula training (Paramana doula course) facilitated by Michel Odent in London(author of 12 books published in 22 languages - The Farmer and the Obstetrician, Birth and Breastfeeding, Birth reborn etc and creator of the Primal Health Research database) and with Liliana Lammers (an experienced doula)
What if I am planning on using medication? What can you do for me then?
My role is to give you all information to help you to make the most informed decision on your choices. I will always respect the choice of birth you have chosen. If planning a medicated birth, I am an asset to the birthing team by helping you labor comfortably until the medication can be given and helping avoid unnecessary interventions.
Do you expect your clients to labor and deliver without pain medications?
Of course not! This is YOUR birth; only you can make the decisions that are best for you and your baby. If you wish, during our prenatal meetings I will explain the benefits and risks of the different methods of pain relief; you decide if and when you want to use them. One of my goals as your doula is to make sure you are knowledgeable about your options so that you can make a truly informed and confident decision with no regrets. If you do choose pharmacological pain relief, there are still many physical comfort techniques I can offer as well as continuous emotional support and encouragement.
Do you come to my home when I'm in labour?
This would be entirely up to you. Most women prefer their doula to meet them at their home and stay with them whilst they labour until it is time to go to the hospital. They often find comfort in having the doula travel to hospital with them.
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